The Hunt for Mr. X

Get to know Würzburg actively. This exciting acton game is based on the board game, ‘Scotland Yard hunts Mr. X’.


Help us to catch the escaped villain, but be careful - he is extremely dangerous, and the arrest is only legally binding through the procurement of his Mr. X label. He is on foot. Keep an eye out! First gather information in the training camp of Scotland Yard before you set off in pursuit with your team. Several of the tasks originate from the field of team-building and can only be solved with team spirit. The pursuit lasts max. 2.5 to 3 hours. If he is not caught during this time, then he has won and is free. Mr. X feels very safe, he does not hide, but he may use side streets.

Programs for Groups
Dates: Upon agreement, even on Sundays and Bank Holidays
Duration: 2.5 - 3 hours
06 - 12 persons 1 team  €   595.60 
12 - 20 persons 2 teams €   892.50
18 - 30 persons 3 teams € 1309.00
28 – 40 persons 4 teams € 1666.00
35 – 50 persons 5 teams € 2082.50
Groups up to 150 persons on request.
All prices incl. 19% Vat
Meeting place: Upon agreement and according to route. We will be happy to come to your hotel/company/event site.

Information / Booking:
Zepra Event GmbH
Simon-Breu-Straße 44
97074 Würzburg
Phone +49(0)931/59464
E-mail: mail@zepra-event.deexterner Link
www.wuerzburger-erlebnistour.deexterner Link

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