
A Weinfest is a Must

The atmosphere of a Franconian wine festival is hard to describe; it needs to be experienced:

The friendly, happy faces, the balmy summer breeze, the music, and the relaxing atmosphere… Everything simply fits. And there is no better place to experience it than in Würzburg and the Franconian Wine Country.

You can choose from a wine fest with cosmopolitan flair in the city to a wine fest with a small town feel in the Franconian Wine Country. Regardless of where you go though, you are picking a winner.

A detailed listing of all wine fests in Würzburg and the Franconian Wine Country is available on the following websites:
www.wuerzburg.de/termineexterner Link 
www.wuerzburg.de/22521externer Link
www.fraenkisches-weinland.deexterner Link

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